2023 Flutter Packages.


Default Packages

Theses are in pretty much every Flutter app I write.

cryptoNeeded for Apple sign in.
url_launcherTo send people to a FAQ or home page.
firebase_crashlyticsNo point flying blind.
sentry_flutterStill deciding if I like this or Crashlytics better.
intlI think this is should be in Dart.
get_itLove this. Makes my state easy to find.
sign_in_with_appleUnfortunately a requirement.
google_fontsWe all need a nice font in our app.
package_info_plusHelpful for crash messages and support questions.

Goto Packages

Not used all the time but they are in regular rotation.

cached_network_image | Save some bandwidth.| in_app_purchase | Make some money.| fluttertoast | Use notifications without a modal.| hive_flutter | Some local storage.| flutter_svg | The designer likes SVGs.| | rate_my_app | Helps with the app store MoJo.|

Others Like

What I see other developers use but I’ve not found a use for.

providerI should use this instead of rolling my own 😀
animated_toggle_switchWho doesn’t like a nice toggle switch.
image_pickerLet the user choose an image.
carousel_sliderFor some reason I always end up with one of these.
timeagoCute for UI work.
httpBut I think I’ll start with DIO on my next project.
numberpickerSurprisingly common.
debounce_throttleHandy when your users type fast.
flutter_speed_dialWhen one FAB is not enough.
flutter_blocSeems like too much boilerplate for too little benefit.
equatableI’ve not have a need, but when I do I’m glad to know it’s here.
screenshotSeems helpful to add to a support email.
simple_animationsFar too useful.

Others I Don’t Like

| social_share | | | firebase_dynamic_links | People use it when they don’t need to.| | onboarding |I’ve found these too restrictive. | | barcode_scan2 | | | qr_flutter | | | sqflite |I could see it being useful. |

Never Never

These ones I never use and I would take them out if I see them in apps I work on.

getNever found it in an app that has clean code.
app_linksDo we need this any more on mobile?
cupertino_iconsThe first thing I delete.
shared_preferencesI use Hive.
localstorageI use Hive.

Honorable Mention

rxdartIf you’re using a lot of streams.


Remember you can always just get a package from git directly. This how I share code amongst my apps.

    path: ../base_packages/base_components

    path: ../base_packages/base_firebase

Any more? Let me know if you have one I should review and add to my list.